Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There! #WednesdayWisdom

Posted on the 17 January 2018 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

The opposite of "Don't just stand there! Do something"

We're all so caught up with doing rather than being that it feels like a luxury to pause even for a moment. We are tuned to be on the move, running, mostly via the keyboard and watching our lives play out on various-sized screens. We forget to slow down. We have . . .

Decisions to make . . .

Places to go . . .

Things to do . . .

And the to-do list constantly grows with nary a sign of that day when you can actually heave a satisfied sigh of relief to have checked off everything. Not even close.

Yes, it is a competitive world out there and it is the survival of the quickest.

What if you took a moment to pause and listen to your inner dialog?

What if you took a moment to think?

Perhaps it can make a difference to whatever you do next.

Maybe thinking before taking action or responding to something could mean a better outcome.

But then, FOMO rears its ugly head.

What if you paused too long?

Would you be accused of procrastination?

Would you lose that opportunity?

Tough call to take, sometimes.

Perhaps how long you pause could be proportionate to how important the issue is.

Maybe you only need a split second to pause.

Maybe that pause can help you manage your emotions and hand you the solution you are looking for.

Here's how I've worked in the pause into my life, to help me . . .

. . . slow down

  • I sit comfortably, with a pad and pencil by my side.
  • I minimize distractions.
  • I turn off the volume on my phone.
  • I breathe in and out deeply.
  • This relaxes the mind and body.
  • I reflect on a specific issue.
  • Then I just sit still, listening to my inner dialog-about 5 or 10 minutes
  • I enjoy the silence, patiently.
  • I write down what comes to me.

This practice often opens up a new perspective on an existing issue.

Even if it doesn't, it is a good feeling to just sit still and have a mini mental detox. It is refreshing. I end up being acutely conscious of the present moment and feel at peace.

Will you slow down a little and pause today? How will you do it?

#WednesdayWisdom is a series with short bursts of easy-to-consume wisdom in the form of stories, quotes, anecdotes, and