Don’t Quit! Keep Going!

Posted on the 17 June 2015 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

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Do you sometimes feel like packing it in. No point. No one is listening, reading or paying any attention. I do. I have had many moments where I have just wanted to step back and to stop for a bit. However I have invested so much into my work and what I am building. My blog, my ideas and future products that I would love to develop.

Yes always creating and dreaming. Although like everyone self doubt and life sometimes make things difficult to keep on going. Does this happen to you?

Keep going even if you want to quit. You will get there!

This post is for all of you that are thinking of calling it quits.


Keep on going.

Things will happen. It might not be the millions of dollars you would like to earn, or the dream job that you would love to get. However what you are doing will lead you to the next great thing. If you are working at your craft or blog at home it is a skill that you can use to leverage to the next step.

Make things happen yourself.

It is also your outlet.

Without an outlet to express yourself and just be you, it is hard to be happy. Everyone needs something that they feel happy doing. A hobby, a passion an outlet to just be you!

If you are like me a SAHM (Stay at home mum) having an outlet and something for me is needed. I cannot give it up.

It is mine and you never know where your passion might take you.  Keep going! You are great and don’t listen to others comments. Just keep plodding along.

Just give things a go. If you try something you might be good at it and it will all work out. You never know until you try!

What is your passion? Do you have a blog? Are you secretly writing a book? Do you make clothes or do you paint?

Have you had moments where you thought it is all pointless but you have kept on going? Let us know.

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