The World Renouned National Geographic Channel has started a New Series, Doomsday Preppers! Tuesdays at 9 PM EST on The National Geographic Channel will show the stories, theories and preperations of many different people around the country that have started to prep for disaster situations.
Having just watched my First couple Epidodes on the DVR I must say that I think the show is a hit! There are a few people that I thought were just dumb, but there were others that I thought were very well planned out, even though the experts didnt give them a great score.
I myself have a big elaborate plan brewing in my head of the Worst Case Scenerio Preperations, but have yet to act on them. My long term plan revolves around building a compound, in a smaller area in which I will not disclose where I will have the ability to farm, and breed our own plants and livestock with the help of many people that I love (who as of yet are not completely on board with my plan to become a prepper). As well as have access to a large wooded area in which we will be able to hunt and obtain plenty of wood for fires. It is my belief that in a group your odds are better for happiness and survival.
This show is not only for people like myself that believe that someday something is going to happen, and I predict that it will be in our lifetime. But people of all walks of life, believers or not will be able to benifit from this show in one way or another.
You do not just have to begin preparing for the end of the world, but there are more common things that we face in everyday life, such as earthquakes, blizzards, power outages, job loss etc.
Stocking up on Food, Medicial Supplies, and other everyday items is not just for the "preppers" but is useful for everyday families! If you lost your job today, that money in your savings account would not go very far, but if you stocked up, slowly or fast with at least a 6 month supply of food, you would not have to worry about your family suffering or starving till you can get back on your feet!
Nat Geo is Also Offering a Preppers Sweepstakes with $20,000 in Prizes up for Grabs!!!
There is a section on Nat Geos Website where you can "Meet the Preppers".
They also offer "Prepper Tips" and the "Doomsday Dashboard"
Also, through Chance I came across a Blog Several Months back called "The Survival Mom" - I feel in love with her blog and the advice, tips, and worksheets she has available. I started following her blog, as well as becoming a fan on facebook (You can Go to Her Facebook Page by clicking this "LINK" . When I seen her on the show my eyes lit up. It made me feel connected!
She also has a book coming out in April, That I CAN NOT WAIT to get! The Book is called "Survival Mom" by Lisa Bedford (You can Click the Book Title to go to the Link to Purchase or Read more!)
I Hope you all Tune in This Tuesday at 9 PM EST to watch "Doomsday Preppers" on Nat Geo!
The more of us who are prepared the less that we will suffer in the event that something does happen!