Downton Abbey
Posted on the 06 February 2012 by Thealyway
Downton Abbey is my new favorite show! It is absolutely fantastic. If you enjoy Pride and Prejudice, Titanic, and other period pieces of the like... you will devour and not be able to stop watching love this show. It is a PBS Masterpiece theater production. In the United States, it is currently on Sunday nights at 8pm central / 9 pm eastern.
The show centers around Downton Abbey and its inhabitants from the servants to the residents.
If you are interested in watching this critically acclaimed show, I recommend you watch the first season on Netflix or DVD, and then catch-up on the second season at PBS.ORG.
Meet the Cast:
The house is as much a character as the rest of the cast.
The Dowager Countess (also referred to as Lady Grantham) Played by Maggie Smith, the Dowager Countess is Lord Grantham's mother. Her character makes me laugh out loud more times than I can count! Some may say she's the mother-in-law you fear of having, and others may say she's the mother-in-law you only dream about having. One of my favorite quotes: Dowager Countess: “You are quite wonderful the way you see room for improvement wherever you look. I never knew such reforming zeal.”
Mrs. Crawley (Matthew's mother): “I take that as a compliment.”
Dowager Countess: “I must’ve said it wrong.”
Lord Grantham Wonderful father to his three daughters, and devoted husband to his wife.
Lady Grantham (Cora)Mother and wife, deceptively high & mighty at times. From America; she was extremely wealthy when she married Lord Grantham. Trusts the wrong person in her lady's maid.
Lady MaryOldest daughter, she is busy looking for a husband amidst secret scandal. Struggles between who she must marry. Tough exterior, soft heart.
Lady EdithMiddle daughter, she struggles with her role at times. I hope she'll find happiness in upcoming episodes.
Lady SybilMy favorite character, Lady Sybil is a woman of the future hoping for progress. She helps as a nurse during the war and is not as proud as the rest of her family.
The fashion on the show is amazing to see. The sisters provide so much entertainment with their dealings with one another.
Matthew CrawleyThe heir to Downton Abbey, and the love interest of two adoring women. His charm and charisma are wonderful to watch.
Gorgeous couple.
The house staff deserve their own post, which I will post later this week.
Do you watch Downton Abbey? If so, what are your thoughts?