Dreams and Their Messages

Posted on the 18 February 2013 by Rockmefabulous @RockMeFabulous
Dreams and their Messages
Many of you may not know this but I'm very into Astrology and the Zodiac. I'm not obsessed to the point where I have to read my horoscope every time I have to do something but I do believe that your zodiac sign says a lot about you and if you pay attention to the things that happen in Astrology it can help you find the right path easier. If you get what I'm saying.
So I found out that on Saturday the 23rd, that Mercury which is the communication planet  begins a three-week backstroke through Pisces' waters. Retrograde means "directed or moving backward, go back in position or time". Retrogrades allow us a chance to review and recalibrate. This one (which lasts until March 17) brings opportunities for deep healing and forgiveness. We will be able let go of grudges that have been weighing us down. At this time our dreams will be very  intense, we will be able to get the answers we've been looking for to problems we've been facing during these dreams. So I strongly recommend keeping a notepad and pen close to your bed, either on the nightstand or right next to you on the bed for the next few weeks to record those subconscious clues that occur while we sleep.
Dreams provide us peeks into our subconscious, revealing our deepest, darkest fantasies. And often in dreams, we can find codified solutions to problems we are up against in life. So during this retrograde if you record your dreams you should be able to figure out solutions to those problems you're having.
When I record my dreams what I do is as soon as I wake up, I grab my pen and notepad and begin writing everything I remember in the same order it happened in the dream. When I'm finished writing I read over what I wrote then I reflect on what I dreamed and try to evaluate what it could mean then I get the notepad again and I write NOTES:, I underline it and write my thoughts about what certain parts of the dream could mean. When I'm writing down the dream, usually certain parts pop out to me, those parts are the most important parts of the dream so definitely focus on that.
 For example I had a dream last night and when I was writing it down the part that stood out to me was when I entered the room and saw some people standing there looking at me. They were with an ex friend of mine, a friend who I was very close to and could tell everything, but we had a falling out and we are no longer in each others lives anymore.
They were all staring at me and I just felt so embarrassed, I just wanted to grab my bag and my phone and just get out of there as quickly as possible. I felt as though, that person told them a skewed version of why we stopped being friends and they were judging me in some way. As I was walking out of the room I felt as though someone wanted to come up to me and say something. I don't know if it was good or negative but I just knew that whatever it was I didn't want to hear it, so I bolted out of the room as quickly as possible. 
Now when I was analyzing the dream, I got that I'm probably still holding on to negative feelings, feelings of guilt possibly about my part to play in our friendship falling apart. Feeling that I wasn't aware that I still had. I thought I was completely over it but for me to feel that way about the situation in a dream means to say that I still have some issues regarding what happened. Also the part where I felt as though someone wanted to say something to me but I didn't want to hear it suggests to me that there's something I need to know but I'm avoiding finding out what it is.
I know some people may think since I don't know what it is then it's not important but it actually is very important indeed. You see, the only way we are ever going to grow and learn from our mistakes and fully move on from the past is if we figure out why we made that mistake in the first place, what brought us to that point in our life and deal with it. 
So if you are interested in this all you need to do is get your notepad and pen ready by your bed for when you wake up. It's important that you have this close to you so as soon as you open your eyes you can start writing. As soon as you wake up you begin forgetting everything you dreamed of, that's why it's important to have your pen and paper ready. Don't worry about bad spelling or penmanship just write as fast as you can. After the three weeks is up you can just read over all the dreams you had since you started and maybe you'll find some other clues that you didn't pick up when you initially wrote it down. Now some dreams may be crazy and you may think that it's so weird that it can't possibly be relevant to anything that's going on in your life but trust me, there's a strong chance that it may so still write it down.