Dreams - Ready Dead - Hello!

Posted on the 15 October 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

it wasn't like that, of course, the dream bell tower. But the three-bell symbolism is spot on. Last night, I'd written in my Dream Diary (like as a final resolute gesture of dream communication), "Time for answers. Time for Lucid Dreaming. Time for Q & A."
It was more of an old red-and-white lighthouse-like structure, made of stone and with clay walls, crumbling on a craggy rockface. Think of a fairground Helter Skelter. I was playing on this Helter Skelter, there was no slide spiralling down the outside of it, just these really small windows. There was myself and two other children, going up and down this 'fun ride'.
The dream was going nowhere, the tower kept changing slightly, the roof changed, doors appeared like mouths, and the tower became something else. An old woman (who I felt might have been my German gran) followed us up the white-washed central staircase of the tower and showed us something EMBEDDED into the walls. A series of bells she put her cheek against, listening; the first was made of brass, the second was made of wood, the final bell was like insulation foam, an artificial turquoise color.
She leant through the substance of third bell and pulled out a wire with a brass connector on the end, "Ready dead," she said into the microphone.
"Hello," came a male voice, loud and clear.

Is that what dreams are then? Some sort of direct and clear communication with The Dead? This gives an Atheist non-Afterlife-ist like myself a SERIOUS DILEMMA. Help?