As you will all probably realize after 10 weeks worth of "Dressing The Baby" posts - Tyne wears blue a LOT!!! He occasionally wears white or tan - but for the vast majority of the time, you'll find him in baby blue.
I LOVE him in baby blue - it suits him so well, I love the color and - well - we call him "Little Boy Blue", its just who he is!But anybody who knows me well will know that I have always LOVED pink!! Its been my signature color forever! So I knew it wouldn't be too long until I put Tyne in pink!I bought him a lovely pink t shirt and shorts set from Mamas & Papas before he was born, but because he's so small it still doesn't fit him - so I'm a bit worried that summer will be over before he's grown into it!
So when I saw this GORGEOUS polo shirt and shorts set in Boots a few weeks ago, I absolutely fell in love with it!
I've umm-ed and ahh-ed over buying it for weeks because I wasn't sure if we'd get the right weather for him to wear it - but once the sun started shining this week, my Mum bought it for Tyne and I put it on him today...I think he really suits it!!!!
What do you think of boys wearing what is traditionally viewed as a girls colour?!
I was quite surprised to receive a few comments from people on social media sites about him wearing pink, and even my 3 year old niece saw a photo of him in it and asked her Mum why he was wearing pink - which just goes to show how established that particular gender stereotype is!!!I find it quite odd, as nobody would bat an eyelid if a little girl was to wear a baby blue dress - so what's the problem with a boy wearing pink?!
I noticed these "Equal Opportunies" rompers a few weeks ago - I'm not sure whether I would personally buy them because I'm not sure that people would "get" it without them being explained to them! - but I like the idea behind them!
What do you think?! Do you like to see boys and girls in the traditional boy & girl colours or do you think there's nothing wrong with mixing things up a bit?!
As always, I'd love to hear from you!!!
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