Dressing The Baby: The Easter Edition

Posted on the 24 April 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
Whenever a special occasion rolls around, I get very excited about what little outfits I'm going to dress my little man up in - and so for the last couple of months I have had Tyne's outfits all carefully chosen and ready!
I love nautical clothes for Easter and all of his outfits had that theme to them.
On Easter Sunday, we went for the most smart outfit - Tyne wore a cute striped shirt with navy tie featuring a sailboat print, a pair of navy blue cords and this adorable trilby hat with navy blue ribbon.
Dressing The Baby: The Easter Edition
Shirt & Tie:Cords: TescoHat: Tesco
On Good Friday, we went more casual....we teamed his sailboat print tee shirt with some casual jeans.
Dressing The Baby: The Easter Edition
Dressing The Baby: The Easter Edition

T shirt: MatalanJeans: Tesco
And on Easter Monday, he wore a gorgeous traditional Sailor romper suit. 
I LOVE him in this, and it looks so comfortable too!

Sailor Suit from www.lolaswardrobe.com

I loved dressing my little man for Easter - I'm only sad that there are no more special occasions to dress him for now until Hallowe'en!
Although we do have a wedding and a christening to go to before then, so I guess I can get my baby clothes shopping fix then! ;)
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