Driver Rider

Posted on the 11 September 2012 by Liz @RiderChronicles

By Liz

Since our office move and the start of commuting to work by bus I find that waves of driving my car to work spike every once in awhile.It could be my Midwest up bringing where driving your car everywhere was just the way to get around.I did start riding the bus to school at a young age.Pre-school in fact.Then again two years later from 2nd grade until I got my license to drive.It would have been my 9th grade year, when my sister and I went to school together for the first time since my first grade and her 3rd grade year, but she did not always oblige. C’mon Micki, you know it’s true, getting a ride from you was not always an easy task.
By the time I turned 16 I had my own car (and a job for the expenses thank you!) and have driven myself everywhere that I needed to go since then.That’s 14 years of dependence on myself alone to get where I needed to go (for the most part at least).As I psycho-analyze myself, not recommended by the way. I wonder if my need want to drive in at least once a week and sometimes more than that stems from something that I’m just used to. This even means I have to pay for parking or park quite far a way and hoof it in the rest of the way.
Logically I understand that riding the bus is the smart and right thing to do.Green, saves money, and I have access to it.Why am I hesitant sometimes?Is it my need to turn the radio up a bit loud and sing at the top of my lungs?I could always try that on the bus.Next time Boyz II Men’s End of the Road plays I can serenade my bus mates.I’d win some big fans there!All in all by driving in I only save 20 min off my commute.That is 20 minutes that I can just digest my day more…Granted there are the days when an after work event dictates my need to drive in.Hopefully the wave will crash and soon I’ll be back to 4-5 bus riding days a week instead of 2-3.This rider has been a driver in the past week. That’ll change!