This was the only #fbf that happened, hello future Miki!

For my newest trick, I'm simply going to improve your weekend by telling you a funny story. Also I'd appreciate some improvement on my weekend too, so if you have a funny story. Tell me or leave a link so I can go and laugh.
Once upon a time this girl (A.K.A. Me) was in college and living at home. I'd take the Trax (public transportation like the train) to college every day and then back home. The thought was to save money on gas and a parking pass on campus, because we're all trying to save money in college right?
This one day in particular I get home from school and walk into the house. I most likely took a nap and did some homework - that's a very Miki-like evening. After all that hard work and later in the day one of my friends called me to meet up and go get some coffee, as all the cool kids do. I agreed. I needed Coffee to wake up from my nap, so I went out to get in my car and... I couldn't find it. That's right it was missing. Not my keys, the actual car. I was beyond confused. We had a garage and a driveway that's it, that's only like 4 places that the car could be parked. I didn't see any signs of struggle like an oil leak or tire tracks so that brought me to the conclusion that this wasn't an act of thievery. I was completely confused I walked around my neighborhood like a puppy looking for it's momma. Imagine how confusing it would be to walk outside an not see your car. You start to think, did I drive home? Did I catch a ride with someone? When was the last time I was in my car? All these question fill your mind none of which I could answer.
I pulled the old Blackberry Pear out of my pocket and started to call all of my friends. They'd pick up the phone and I'd ask, "Hey.... have you seen my car?" Everyone was just about as confused as I was when I popped that question. No one had the answers that I was looking for. I only had like 3 friends, so it was a pretty dead end. I didn't remember being drugged, so I assumed I was missing some vital piece of my memory. Eventually I stumbled back inside not knowing how to break the news to my parents that either my car was stolen or I had lost it.
I walked in the house and told my mom and dad. They weren't thrilled. All 3 of us walked outside and scanned the neighborhood together. I don't know how we kept thinking we were just missing this car and that it was probably in front of our noses. That seemed to be all of our first reactions though.
A few hours went by and I decided I needed to put in a police report because something wasn't matching up and my investigation was becoming a cold case. I walked into the kitchen and told my mom and dad that I'm calling the police and out of nowhere my little brother appears. I hadn't seen him all day long and he pokes his head through the doorframe. The 17 year old Christiaan and 19 year old Miki weren't total BFF's like we are now. He sheepishly says that he moved my car earlier. I was parked in the driveway and blocking his car. He pulled my car out and had left it on the street. He meant to pull it back into the driveway but forgot in the 45 seconds it took to walk back from my car to his. Normally this wouldn't matter except we lived in a tow zone. No cars were allowed on the street. Nice move, kiddo! We couldn't get ahold of the tow yard for THREE days. They did have my car, but it did take a few hundy's to get it back. Those towing assholes.

What's your Friday Funny?