I knew something awesome was about to happen, because I had my camera ready. The hat was only in flames for a few seconds, before Jared (my husband) slammed the fuzzy ball which was now an open flamed fire against Christiaan’s head to put it out, before Christiaan’s entire head was on fire.
If it’s not clear by now. My dad is awesome, he is ALWAYS the life of the party. He is still a maniac, always trying to out due anyone at ANYTHING. Including backflips wake boarding or jumping over my mom on the board, out dirt biking with my brothers, paint balling, golfing, or whatever challenge you can think of my dad will accept.

I love my dad. The only time that we don’t get along is in the morning. He is a morning person, and is WAY to happy in the mornings. I am a night person, and prefer no one talks to me before 10am at least.
I love you dad! Happy Father’s day!