Early Discovery Series by Britannica

Posted on the 26 April 2019 by Amitagulia

Britannica Early Discovery is a collection of six little hardcovered books I picked up from a book stall once set up in my office premises. Below are the books which are there in our box:

Early Discovery WordsEarly Discovery ColoursEarly Discovery Just For funEarly Discovery ShapesEarly Discovery SoundsEarly Discovery Numbers

The kiddo was in playgroup when we got it and I think we started with Colours – which he was already comfortable with at that time. We gradually moved to Sounds – fun to play with kids and Shapes. Numbers, Just For Fun and Words then followed the suite.

The books are full of colorful pictures to make the child understand the concepts along with a small question or a to do task on almost each page.

The second last page includes a ‘Glossary’ of key words introduced in the book along with their description.

Hold on, there is more. The last page has a few fun ways to learn the concept. The fun ways give an idea to the parents on how can they incorporate the learning in day to day life without actually making the child realize.

I would not say that’s this is among the favorite book of kiddos, but yes, they do enjoy reading them occasionally. Thus, although it costed a bit, but was all the worth.

Get it from amazon - here