I found two very nice and convenient earring racks from Den Blå Avis online flea market.I do have a beautiful wooden jewelry chest, where I keep chains and wristlets.For practical reasons, however, my earrings have ended in the shelves of the bathroom cabinetand in a variety of small beakers in recent years.
You see - I have a habit of putting earrings on in the morning before I go to work,and I take them out as the first thing when I arrive at home- So I haven't really taken the effort of setting them back to the jewelry chest.

I fell for these butterfly racks, as they fit in to the toilet cabinet (height 22 cm).A single rack can contain 13 pairs - the vendor had to racks, and I bought the both of them,so now I have a handy storage space for 26 pairs!
I paid a total of 9 dollars for these racks.What's more, the vendor lives close by,so I was able to bike to her house to get them.

These white earrings is a souvenir from Norway, Hammar.I bought the ceramic earrings from local Artisan shop a couple of years ago.
These turquoise earrings, and the ones behind them, are made by my colleque.
I'm glad for having found the online flea market - I'll surely check that out first, before I'll go to look elsewhere.
Textures with the courtesy of Jerry Jones & Shadowhouse Creations
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