This is grass... for Earth day. I love the morning dew! so pretty! A fresh grass that is a little long is my favorite! It looks awesome.
Earth Day!!! (A Long Post Contributing To Earth Day!!!)
Posted on the 22 April 2012 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
Today is one of my favorite days of the year! I love Earth Day! It's a day where I conserve the most, although I should conserve all the time. I do my best. Today, I went all out! I researched little crafts to do for today and I planned it all out! I was very excited for today.
This is grass... for Earth day. I love the morning dew! so pretty! A fresh grass that is a little long is my favorite! It looks awesome. The first project I did was make a basket out of an orange juice carton and a plastic bag. I got it from WikiHow.How you do this is very simple.You wash out the orange juice carton... Of course the carton is made out of recycled products... I was very happy! Next, cut the box into flaps. Next, cut the flap into strips. Now cut up a plastic bag into stripsand weave it through the cardboard strips. When you weave it, get to the height you'd like. Then bend down the flaps and tuck the flaps into the plastic bag. Like this... This is the finished product. I just put little trinkets and my old Outdoor school wood cookie with my name on it and my little sparkle animals in it filled with seeds or beans or whatever they are. I was pretty proud of my little basket. I might just grow some flowers or herbs in it later. It was really fun to make!While I was taking pictures of the basket results, I saw one of my favorite critters crawling about. A sow buggy!Or a potato bug! Speaking of critters...The next project I made were bug rocks.Like rock pets!I painted two lady bugs and 1 bumble bee! I gave them to my little cousin Isabelle. She loved the little orange one the best!I took some pictures of her with them. I had a hard time getting her to smile. She is so cute when she smiles, but she likes to smile like a monster! I don't think she likes the camera.She does like to smile for professional photos. At my grandpa's 90'th birthday party (post later), the babies were playing outside and I was there to take pictures! It was such a beautiful day. Oh, I shouldn't really say "babies" for both, I should say, "Isabelle and Raelyn" because that's what they are! Adorable little girls they are. I'm very happy that this earth day was so sunny and beautiful outside! I am very happy.The next project I did was also from Wiki How! It's a mini green house from recycled plastic soda/water bottles! I was so excited to do this. We purchased lavender and basil seeds along with recycled card board seed starters! To make the mini green house, you cut the bottom off of the soda bottle, I put all my supplies together!The bottles, the seeds and the seed starters! I put the soil in the seed starter, I poured the seeds into the seed starters and then I put cracked egg shells in the soil. This is what the green house will end up looking like....It's really nifty! I love this! I am so excited to see the results. It is so cute! I love it! Another earth day celebration project was to dress in green and or brown. I dressed in Green and Blue!And I French braided my hair! It was 81 degrees outside! It was such a beautiful day! This earth day was amazing! Next year, I'm going to make t-shirts. 7th grade, I made t-shirts for Earth Day and I wore it to school and I felt awesome!I taped earth pictures to my locker and I wrote 'Go Green' on my notebooks!It was a great day! But I believe it was raining that day.It's almost my birthday, I will be 16! I'm so excited! HAPPY EARTH DAY EVERYONE!BE GOOD TO THE EARTH!
This is grass... for Earth day. I love the morning dew! so pretty! A fresh grass that is a little long is my favorite! It looks awesome.