Earth Hour, Eye of the Beholder and Slankets!

Posted on the 23 March 2013 by Ravenswingthog @ravenswingthog
Earth Hour, Eye of the Beholder and Slankets - three subjects that naturally go together(!)
I hope you took part in Earth Hour tonight and turned your lighting off for an hour.  In my (somewhat preachy) video I talk about how, even though I think I'm fairly good at being a reasonably decent environmentalist, I still use more than twice the amount of resources the Earth can really provide for me to live.  This clearly isn't sustainable.

Next subject! Eye of the Beholder - my best mate has just created a YouTube account, and he's uploaded one of his pieces of group work from when he studied Media Studies at University. "Eye of the Beholder" is a french-style (film noir?) film that I've always enjoyed.  Check it out here.
Finally, the return of my evil twin Joel in my latest video, where I talk about the problems with slankets.  Joel's been very helpful and shown the problems.  Do enjoy!