Eerie Snowy Bunny Dream

Posted on the 02 November 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

I was trapped in a tomb of ice– standing and shivering.  My eyes were nearly frozen shut and I blinked repeatedly until my lashes pried themselves from my skin.

I shook my shoulders and they pushed against the ice walls to no avail.   Little pieces of crushed snow fell on my body and melted into a cold drizzle of water.

It tickled, and I laughed– then listened as the sound echoed off the walls and projected right back to me.  The walls shifted and it occurred to me that I didn’t feel as trapped as I was before.

I rotated my shoulders again, but this time there was a little wiggle room.

I laughed some more, and again the walls pushed out.

I made myself giggle like a loon then, thinking of all the funniest things in the world– and the walls pushed away till I was just a very small person in a very large igloo.

I took a cautious step forward, and then another.  I could see the shape of where the door should be, so I pushed, and the snow door crumbled revealing the darkness of the outside.

It was a dark and stormy night.

There were Ice Slugs, larger than life– crawling across the frozen terrain– and there were beams of light that seemed to come straight from the sky.

I didn’t want to look directly at the beams, because for some reason I knew that only the most terrifying things in the world were carried in them.

I lowered my eyes towards the rumbling in the ground below me.  The ground began to spark, so I jumped to the side– and from the pit came a burst of fire!

I looked again, and sure enough, most of the ice appeared to be burning.  I took a step back from the fire pits, and then another, until I nearly walked directly into a light ray.

Forgetting my fear for a moment, I looked up just in time to see bunnies yanked from the depths of the earth and pulled up into the sky.

Frightened, I ran back into the igloo and laughed– a short hysterical type of laugh– which boomed off the walls until the igloo shut around me again, enclosing me in the white-walled prison I awoke in.

I took a deep breath of stale cold air.

The ice was warm and suddenly the darkness was as bright as any day.

I was being lifted– pulled up into the sky– so I closed my eyes, and let the dream take me away.


I’d like to blame this dream on:

  • Tina Fey, for making me crave my very own night cheese
  • My husband, for providing me with said night cheese even though he knows cheese before bed gives me weird dreams
  • CK, for supplying my subconscious with the concept of fiery ice
  • “The Princess Bride”, for the concept of fire pits
  • “This is the End”, for telling my nightmares that they should include beams of light that suck people into the sky
  • Anya, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, for causing me to categorize bunnies as “scary”


Pictures included for Weekly Photo Challenge: Eerie.


It’s hard to explain because this dream was so strange, but I had the feeling it heralded only good things to come. Do you have weird dreams? Do you analyze them? Can you analyze mine? Seriously– what does it mean?

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