Eleven, Part Two

Posted on the 15 March 2012 by Thefriskyvirgin
Today, we have questions from my dear friend Jewels, along with a few more random facts. I knew Jewels would have some awesome questions--she didn't disappoint.
Jewels' Questions:
1. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Middle. Yep, I’m that single.
2. Do you believe in ghosts? 
Absolutely, no question.
3. Would you be willing to go on a cross country (driving) trip with me? 
As willing as I’d be to accept an invite to a Mavs game or NASCAR race. (Translation: Absolutely.)
4. If you could only watch one show for the rest of your life what would it be?
Wow.Tough.Friends, I think.  Laughing is what it's all about.
5. If you could only read one author until the end of time who would it be?  
J.K Rowling.I love her writing style.Her words move like movies in your mind.Can’t wait for her upcoming novel for adults!
6. If you HAD to get something pierced what would it be?
I have my ears pierced, so I guess I’d get ‘em done again.
7. Given a choice of a mystery meaning Chinese symbol, butterfly, or zodiac tattoo which would you pick? (You HAVE to pick one)
Butterfly. I love butterflies.
8. Would you rather have sex with Wilford Brimley/Susan Boyle or give up sex for good?
Well, since this is so not applicable to me, I think it’s safe to say I’d stay the course—no sex.
9. What would you pay for a vaccination that prevents kids from being bitchy, sassy, dickheads?
LOL--So long as there aren't any dangerous side effects...or, you know, so long as it doesn't turn them into zombies *shivers*...I reckon I'd cough up a good amount of dough to ensure we don't release any more asshats into society. 
10. Would you rather serve a week in prison or try and survive for a year alone in a jungle?
I’m going to the jungle--swing on a vine, sing a little Phil Collins, and hope for a half-naked Tarzan.
11. What is it about nice people that attract total idiots?
Would LOVE to crystal ball this answer somehow—in other words, not a friggin clue.  
Random facts:
6) I keep a box of Lucky Charms in the pantry at all times because it reminds me of my childhood.   
7) I love watching Murder She Wrote.Stop laughing.It has always been a Mom & me kind of show, along with Love Boat and Little House on the Prairie.   Really, stop laughing. ;)

8)   Top Gun is supposed to be a manly-man’s movie, right?I respectfully and hormonally disagree.Let’s see: Fighter jets, sexy men in bum-hugging uniforms, and, hello, volleyball scene.Yeah, it’s eye-candy for women.  "Maverick, you big stud..."

Credit: Paramount Pictures Promotional Images

Tomorrow we have questions from Catherine!