Embracing Our Beautiful Differences: A Journey Through the Body Positivity Movement

Posted on the 25 July 2023 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Hey there, beautiful souls! Today, we're embarking on a fabulous journey exploring the history of the body positivity movement and why it's high time that we all...but especially women... break free from the clutches of diet culture. So, grab a cup of coffee, put on your comfiest PJs, and let's dive into this empowering conversation!
The Birth of Body Positivity 
The body positivity movement is a revolution born out of the dire need for change in societal beauty standards. It first emerged in the late 1960s, challenging the oppressive norms that dictate what a "perfect" body should look like. It started out as the Fat Acceptance movement, advocating for a change in the way fat people were treated in the workplace. 
The movement gained momentum in the 1990s  with the rise of feminist activism and the recognition of the harmful effects of media and advertising on women's body image. Influential books like "The Beauty Myth" by Naomi Wolf shed light on the unrealistic expectations placed on women and sparked conversations about the need for change.
In 1996, two activists, Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott, founded The Body Positive organization. They aimed to promote body acceptance, self-love, and healthy relationships with food and exercise. The organization focused on empowering individuals to reject societal pressures and develop a positive body image.
With the advent of social media platforms, the body positive movement gained more visibility and reach. Activists and influencers began using hashtags like #bodypositive and #effyourbeautystandards to create inclusive spaces for all body types and promote body diversity...in defiance against the continued onslaught of a narrow beauty ideal being perpetuated online as it had been via other media sources throughout the years. Celebrities and brands also started endorsing body positivity, bringing the movement into mainstream consciousness.
In recent years, the body positive movement has continued to evolve and expand its scope. It has become more intersectional, recognizing that body image issues are not limited to one gender, race, or body size. The movement advocates for inclusivity, challenging beauty and health standards based on age, ability, ethnicity, and other factors.
Today, the body positive movement aims to create a culture that celebrates and embraces all bodies, fostering self-love, self-acceptance, and resilience in the face of societal pressures.
While progress has been made, the body positive movement continues to face challenges and criticisms. Some argue that it promotes unhealthy lifestyles or ignores the impact of health on overall well-being. However, many activists within the movement emphasize that body positivity is about prioritizing mental health, self-care, and self-acceptance, rather than encouraging the unhealthy habits that can be encouraged and even promoted by diet culture.
 The aim of the body positive movement is to create a more inclusive and welcoming society for all, one where every body is valued and respected.
Shattering Unrealistic Beauty Ideals
Women have been bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards for decades - we can trace advocacy against this all the way back to the Victorian era, when the Victorian Dress Reform movement saw women protest against often damaging body manipulation practices in the fashions of the time.  
From the beginnings of the age of silver screen goddesses when Marilyn Monroe and her contemporaries had their curves pitted against each other for movie roles all the way to the 90s magazines I devoured in my teens - where pages would be filled with body shaming articles alongside diet tips from impossibly slim celebs, and beyond - the pressure and expectations placed on the female form through the media has no doubt been the cause of self-doubt, low self-esteem, and even dangerous behaviours for many a teenaged girl. 
The body positivity movement encourages us to break free from these damaging norms and celebrate the beauty in our uniqueness. It reminds us that beauty comes in countless shapes and sizes, and it's the diversity of our bodies that makes us truly extraordinary.
Reclaiming Our Worth 
Diet culture has been an insidious force in society, constantly reinforcing the idea that our worth is tied to our appearance. So many of us have internalised the message that slim=superior and that there is pride to be taken in "maintaining" a certain figure no matter the cost to our mental or physical health. 
It's little wonder that 9 in 10 women state that they would choose to shave 5 years off their life in return for the "Perfect body" - a statistic that I always find so very sad, as it really demonstrates how much value we've been conditioned to place on our appearance over everything else.
It's time to break those chains and reclaim our intrinsic value. The body positivity movement encourages us to prioritize self-care, mental well-being, and overall health over fitting into a narrow definition of beauty. It teaches us to nourish our bodies with love, compassion, and acceptance. And above all else, it teaches us that our bodies are merely a vessel through which we get to experience life - they are merely the container that holds all of our magic.
A Celebration of Every Body 
The heart of the body positivity movement lies in celebrating every body, regardless of societal judgments or beauty standards. It's about fostering inclusivity and creating spaces where all individuals feel seen, heard, and respected. Body positivity invites us to shift our focus from flaws to strengths, from self-criticism to self-love. It encourages us to embrace our curves, scars, stretch marks, and all the little things that make us beautifully unique.
Diet culture has misled us into believing that our bodies are the problem and that strict regimens and unattainable weight goals are the solution. But here's the truth: diets don't work. This is a fact that has been proven again and again.  They perpetuate a vicious cycle of restriction, guilt, and dissatisfaction. But the diet industry is one that earns billions of pounds every year, and with so many very rich people having a vested interest in keeping people insecure and unhappy with their bodies - it's little wonder that so many believe their diet failures are personal ones, rather than evidence of flawed science. 
 Body positivity urges us to reject diet culture and to instead embrace intuitive eating, joyful movement and holistic self care which involves honouring our body's cues and nourishing ourselves with balance and joy. It teaches us to tune in and listen to our bodies, rather than teaching us to distrust and ignore our body as diet culture so often does.
Embracing the Journey 
If you've spent a lifetime battling against your body to try and make it look a certain way and you're still fighting with it so many years down the line, perhaps its time to embark on a liberating journey towards self-acceptance and body positivity instead. Let go of the scales, the calorie counting, and the body-shaming. Instead, focus on cultivating a positive relationship with your body and nourishing it with love, movement where you can and in ways you enjoy, and self-care. Surround yourself with supportive communities, inspirational role models, and empowering resources that reinforce body acceptance rather than promote body shame.
As women, we deserve to embrace our bodies and cherish ourselves just as we are. The body positivity movement provides a powerful counter-narrative to the damaging diet culture that has plagued us for too long. 
There is so much power to be found when we join forces, celebrate our beautiful differences, and stand tall in the face of unrealistic beauty ideals. Remember, your worth goes beyond your appearance. Embrace your uniqueness, love yourself fiercely, and spread the magic of body positivity everywhere you go. You are beautiful, inside and out - and you were always so much more than your body.
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