Emergency Link Party!

Posted on the 04 July 2016 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Since my ThunderClap campaign is going out in a matter of hours, it occurs to me that we could have some visitors to Rarasaur blog soon. I've been running around like a crazy lady, dusting the metaphorical fake plants.

I know what you're thinking.

If they're metaphorical plants, why make them fake?


Actually, I have a black thumb, even in my imagination. It all goes back to a time that my big brother accidentally grew an herb garden. It started with a busted packet of cilantro seeds, dusting the dirt in a forgotten part of my backyard. It became a garden of flourishing little green leaves, no matter what he did or which herbs he added. Then one night, I sneezed on it, and everything died within days.

I think not.

Today, I pretty much only work with fake plants- metaphorical, imaginary, or not.

Welcome, new readers.

I wish I could say that the words you just read are a bad example of what you'll find here. That usually I am a more consistent blogger with better writing skills and a predilection toward useful content, but that'd be a great big lie...

And though my pants catching on fire would make for great blog fodder, I'd rather not try it.

I fought a fire once, you know, when I was in prison. I believe in rhymes and myths and true stories that must not die. I believe that we can fix any problem, once we know it's a problem.

I believe in knowledge.

I believe in you.

If you're new here, the best link to start with is up at the very top top. It's called Start Here. There's also a Browse page where you can see some posts by type. If you find something rawrsome there, be sure to let me know.

Here's a collection of some old polls and new ones that might give you an idea of the people who hang around here, and me.

Take Our Poll

Take Our Poll

Take Our Poll

Take Our Poll

Take Our Poll

Take Our Poll

Take Our Poll

Okay, Best Beloveds and new folk alike- your turn- introduce yourself. Tell me about books you've written. Give me your twitter handle, your instagram username, your facebook url. Send me a blog link, or a picture of you and your dog. Anything. Just tell us something about you.

We want to get to know you.
We believe in knowledge, and you.