
Posted on the 18 November 2015 by Zer @the2women

This week, Oxford Dictionaries announced their “Word of the Year,” which for the first time ever is not a word, it’s a pictograph. Although, you’ll probably know it better as the “Face with Tears of Joy” emoji.

Technically a pictograph is a word, or at the very least a form of writing.  They are in fact the original form of writing…like cave drawings.

By making “Face with Tears of Joy” the word of the year, Oxford Dictionaries has essentially proclaimed that language is regressing back to its most basic form.

Okay, so things might not be that dire. I suppose this could be a good thing. After all, 😂 is a universal symbol. It’s not limited to one language. In fact, in honor of this breaking of the language barrier, I’ll express the rest of my opinion in one emoji —😱.

More on the Story: Washington Post

…just for fun: