Encounter .!!

Posted on the 28 April 2016 by Nikita Ranga @naughtymogli

 Have you ever encountered some  erratic feelings? A  feeling that comes from nowhere and vanishes all of a sudden to nowhere.  The duration when the feeling occurs and vanishes is unrecognizable. Similar to a shooting star who vanishes in a moment before you complete asking for your wish. You cannot recognize when that offbeat feeling attacked you and when they released you. But, what hurts most is the duration between incoming and outgoing.

That period of few minutes, an hour or a complete day; may be,  is disastrous. After encountering many sessions with these type of moments when you feel desperate, you feel lost, you feel depressed, unwanted and many others varying from person to person; I came to a conclusion.

The sufferers of these offbeat feelings are generally the ones who have loved someone intensely  and then lost them. However, the whole process of loving someone intensely and then losing them is also unbearable but what aches more is the memories that haunt us after they are gone.

Hence, this marks the incoming of offbeat and mystifying feelings.

The duration between incoming and outgoing of these feelings is worst and it needs to be handled carefully with utmost care. The memories keep us haunting continuously without any break thus, taking a toll on the sufferer.

Just as a  coin has two sides. Similarly, this situation has another side too.

These mystifying feelings ; however,  takes a toll and makes the sufferer feel lowest and   pessimistic.  But, on the other hand, these offbeat feelings also, helps in the process of strengthening the sufferer too.

One one hand, this is the time when a sufferer suffers an unrecoverable pain of being alone, hurt, haunting of memories, and many emotions that attack altogether. However, On another, this process makes the sufferer strong with more intelligence, more embracing their soul , loving their soul and power to face another encounter with offbeat and mystifying feelings.

On another, this process makes the sufferer strong with more intelligence, more embracing their soul , loving their soul and power to face another encounter with offbeat and mystifying feelings.

However, the whole process is not simple. But the process is also not descriptive. The one who encounters discovers the healing and strengthening  procedure by themselves. As they say, ” some things are better left unsaid”.

So, hereby, I leave by not ending the topic,  instead, leaving some part for you to discover yourself when you encounter any such feeling.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: discoveryourself, encounter, erratic feelings, healing, hurt, pain, strengtheningprocess