End of Summer - A New Attitude

Posted on the 04 September 2015 by Rodeomurrays4 @RodeoMurrays4
Every summer, at the end of summer, I get the blues... I am not a mom who likes to share my kiddos. I love every single second I have with them! I would keep them with me every day of the year, if I could. Forever! They are growing up so fast and my time with them is more precious than ever. Back-to-school always gets to me. But this year, I have decided to embrace it and to face the fall with a new attitude. This year, I am going to be happy and positive and not let myself get depressed!
This year is going to be great in many ways. We've made a big change (more about this later, so stay tuned, right?), they both have a fantastic base of friends, and best of all, both kids are going to be at the same school, on the same schedule - this will save me at least a couple of hours every day!
Yesterday, we got their class schedules and paid their fees. Brailey is on WEB Crew, which is an elite group of eighth graders who help the sixth graders. WEB stands for "Where Everyone Belongs." She has wanted to be on WEB Crew since she was a sixth grader. Ironically, most of the WEB Crew is made up of Spanish Immersion kids - what a statement that makes! I am very proud of Brailey for doing the work it takes to be on WEB Crew, and I know the sixth graders under her wing are the luckiest of the lucky to have her and her WEB Crew partner to help them.
I was so proud of both of my B's yesterday, as Brailey took Britt to his locker and to every classroom to show him where he needs to go and what he needs to do. She introduced him to all the teachers she knew - she was so confident, it blew me away! She greeted the principal and vice-principal, her favorite office lady, and all her "old" teachers - I was shocked at how mature and grown up she sounded. And Britt impressed me, as well - he stepped forward, reached out his had and gave a firm handshake, saying "Nice to meet you," just like a cowboy would. (He may not be a cowboy on the outside or identify himself as one, but he has that Cowboy Way, all the same.) One teacher told Britt he has very big shoes to fill, referring to Brailey and what a good student and person she is.
When Brailey was a sixth grader, and we went through this day, it was a much different picture. (Click here to read about it, if you want to see where we were at.) Both she and I ended up in tears. Her locker was atrocious, we got lost trying to find her classes, and basically, I was not ready for her to be in middle school, and we had no clue what to expect or to do. Britt is so lucky to have his big sister and all her experience!
She helped him with his locker, which he was so fortunate to get a good one (clean, full-sized and in a good location), and went over his schedule and how he would get from one class to another, when to take his binder and books and when to use his locker, what to do if he couldn't get it opened, where her locker is located in case he needs her (she finally got a good one, too, after two years of "bad" ones), and all the very important things a sixth grader needs to know. They even ended up having two classes in the same "bay," in case he needs her.
Britt was genuinely grateful to Bray for her help, and he gave her more than one heartfelt thanks. For her part, I think Brailey was very proud to be helping him. She has that "helping" person inside her, and it was shining bright as could be, yesterday.
So next week, when school starts, I am going to be sad, yes I am. But I'm also going to feel a whole lot better than I have in the past. We know all the ins and outs of this school, which makes a huge difference in our comfort level. We already know where to park. We know when to get there. Did I mention they are on the same schedule?! This is such a luxury! Next year will be different, of course, but we'll handle that when we come to it. Time flies, whether you're having fun or not, and I am going to cherish every second of this special year, because I already know it is going to be the kind of year dreams are made of.