UpsizingHaving more space at home often dictates where and why families move. Room for extra storage allows possessions to be stowed out of the way, while bigger, airier rooms aid sleep and improve air flow. Our appreciation of room size is very likely to reflect where we are from.It may be that financial issues or work commitments have forced you to live somewhere smaller and more cramped than what you are used to, resulting in less satisfaction with home-life. Short-term needs often take precedence over longer-term housing requirements associated with your family, and upsizing may begin to alleviate such issues as a lack of storage, overcrowding in rooms and overlap between cooking, washing and resting zones. Studies in the UK have shown that these factors can affect the physical and emotional health of inhabitants, which in turn affects performance at work or in school. ReorganisingMany authorities on the subject dispute the fact that a smaller living space will usually be less uplifting than a larger one. The UN’s last World Happiness Report found the world’s happiest countries to be Norway, Denmark and Iceland, where homes are typically smaller than in the US. It's true that the situation is likely to be entirely relative - a family with five children is likely to appreciate a larger home far more than a family with two children. It may be that you can improve your home-life happiness simply by making some changes to your current abode. Anyone struggling to relax and unwind in their living room, for example, may be surrounded by too much clutter or exposed to too little light. Larger windows and some nifty compartmentalisation are surefire ways to open the room up. More problematic is the choice of bedrooms, as it can be a divisive factor in many families, where working parents need space to unwind and young people the space to play. Resolving negative tensions with tarot readings or by speaking directly to a Reader can be a quick way to find a solution that caters for the needs of all members of your family at home, helping you to better understand how you need to use the available space. Consulting friends or colleagues with happy home-lives may also reveal ways to improve the layout of your home.

RedecoratingThere are plenty of case studies of homeowners who change the layout or design of rooms and discover the benefits. Interior designers use their skills to craft rooms that make owners feel happy and relaxed. Hiring the right designer may come at a cost, but they will have a good idea of the colours, features and textures you need to enhance the rooms of your home. Home design experts often recommend houseplants that look great and help oxygenate your living spaces. Wood and stone floors are generally preferred to carpets, while the positioning of light-fittings can also have a sensory impact. There are hundreds of other affordable ways to better optimise your rooms for everyone while improving the general feel of the home.

Change to your home inevitably means changes to your home-life. Talking to your family about features that bother them and the problems they are having is essential to finding a better balance. Whether a full-scale move or small-scale home improvements are required, the process continues as life moves forward, so it is always worth considering making a change.