Entering the Fog

Posted on the 22 March 2012 by Shrinkingthecamel

I took these shots this morning from my car with the i-phone as I was driving between meetings.

The fog was thick and sluggish, with no intention of burning off any time soon.

Entering the Fog

It was a bit more challenging than usual, but driving down these back country roads, I couldn’t help but be captivated by the beauty. I kept slowing down to lean out the passenger window for a shot.

Entering the Fog

In the span of a mile or two, I passed orchards, farmland, forest and swamp. This is the exact same road I drive every day, five days a week to and from my office. And I just couldn’t believe how the fog changed everything, made everything look different – but more clear, in some ways.

Entering the Fog

Like if you look close enough, and really pay attention to what’s going on in the sidelines, you might discover something that you never saw before. Something stunning, and beautiful. Sometimes I could barely make out what the fog was covering, but the shroud somehow added to the gorgeousness.

It made me think of a couple friends of mine who are groping their way through their own fog, trying to figure out the next step of their careers, dealing with inexplicable political situations, clawing their way past a bad situation. They are feeling bogged down in a swamp of uncertainty and ambiguity, with no sign of clear skies breaking anytime soon.

And I want to say, Hang in there, friends – you’ll find your way.

In the meantime, just look how beautiful that swamp looks when you frame it like this.