Epsom Salt Baths: Why You Should Make Time for a Relaxing Bath

Posted on the 04 August 2013 by Kinderhandbtips
 We all live in a busy life schedule in the 21st Century.  We barely have any spare time for ourselves, let alone time for an indulgent bath soak.   But I'm going to explain to you why you need to MAKE time for a regular Epsom Salt bath.

Epsom salt baths have recently become part of my beauty routine.  Always being a shower kind of girl in the past  now that I'm a mom I just love nothing more than a nice, relaxing salt bath to relax after a long day (all the mums in the house I hear your pain lol).
Epsom salt baths don't just relax you though, they are actually GOOD for you and your health and well-being.

Epsom salt isn't actually salt, it's Magnesium Sulphate, a natural mineral.  Recent studies have shown that 68% of the nation are deficient in this mineral, which causes all sorts of health problems.
And one way to up our Magnesium Sulphate intake?  That's right, by taking an Epsom salt bath!  This is because magnesium and sulphate are both very easily absorbed through the skin.
What causes Magnesium Deficiency? 
* City Water supply
* Consuming too much calcium in our diets
* Depleted agricultural soil
It really does benefit everyone by having an Epsom salt bath.  Benefits include:
* Improved absorption of nutrients
* Improved oxygen use
* Prevention/easing migraines
* Flushes out toxins and heavy metals from our body cells, eliminating harmful substances from our bodies
* Eases aches and muscle pains
* Relieves stress.  Alot of adrenalin and stress are believed to drain our bodies of magnesium sulphate.  Magnesium sulphate is a natural stress reliever.  It is needed by our bodies to bind sufficient amounts of serotonin, a mood-lifting chemical within the brain that that creates a feeling of well-being and relaxation.
* Improved heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heart beats, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing blood clots and lowering blood pressure.
* Improved ability for the body to use insulin, reducing the incidence or severity of diabetes.
* Reduced inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps.
* Improved nerve function by electrolyte regulation.  Also calcium is the main conductor for electrical current in the body, and magnesium is necessary to maintain proper calcium levels in the blood.
How to take an Epsom Salt bath
The best way to take one is to run a bath and soak two handfuls/cups of Epsom Salts into the bath water, and to soak for minimum 15 miniutes to 45 miniutes.  Take this bath three times a week for optimum magnesium sulphate intake.
Short for time or want to have a indulgent treat whilst watching your favorite TV programme?
You can also get the great benefits of having a salt bath, by just soaking your feet!  Yay!  Big cheer for all us multi-tasking mama's! :-)
Just dissolve half a cup of Epsom salts into a large bowl (a washing-up bowl is good!) of hot water and soak for at least 15 miniutes.
Fancy a nice relaxing aroma whilst having a soak?
Just add a few drops of Lavender essential oil - so soothing and relaxing!
Epsom Salts can be purchased from your local pharmacy,  supermarket's or online (cheapest is to purchase online).  At present I am using the Radox Epsom Salt crystals.

Have you tried having an Epsom salt bath?  What's your favorite relaxation treat?
Much love x