Er, Huh? What? Oh...okay.

Posted on the 29 July 2011 by Thefriskyvirgin
Well, this has been disappointing.  I recently found out this man I know is a L.I.A.R. (Lazy Inconsiderate Arrogant Rot).  I came up with that on a whim.  This man is a piece of work, let me tell you.  The whole thing has kind-of sent my brain into information overload.
So, what to write? Random tidbits? Um , yeah, okay.
Well, I mistakenly watched The Phantom of the Opera.  *insert tears and stuffy nose* When they sing All I Ask of You...well, just hand me the Kleenex 'cause I'm gone.  Definitely a film to watch solo.
Oh, I saw two earwigs getting it on.  At least, I think that's what they were doing.  Two bugs were having sex on my porch railing.  I mean, bugs? Really? The whole world is just get-it-on-central! Like I really needed a reminder in the form of bugs
I think my teeth are claustrophobic.  A single bristle popped off of my toothbrush and practically cemented itself in between my teeth.  Let me tell you, this is not a fun experience.  It hurt like all heck! As the discomfort increased, so did the panic.  It took far too long to dislodge the dang thing.  Fair warning--have floss and tweezers handy.
So, this weekend is the Brickyard.  I've got my trusty new AMP t-shirt (sans Dale's name and number as to avoid any possibility of a jinx) ready to go.  No doubt he'll give it his all--he always does.  Lady Luck better back off or I'll...I'll...well, I'll shake my fist at her and call her a name! *yeah, that's so not intimidating*
Did you hear the drumbeat for HBO (or equivalent) to make a series out of Harry Potter? I read an article where someone thought it would be cool to do a Game of Thrones with Harry and explore more of the books than the films did.  It seems to be gaining ground with fans.  What do you think?  Good idea?   Gotta tell you, I'd watch.
I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!!