Diaries Magazine

Eric is an Excellent Name for a Baby

Posted on the 20 February 2014 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27

Eric is an excellent name for a baby

My grandfather Eric (middle) atop Mont Blanc in 1937

The improbable prospect of Simon Cowell being a father has come to pass. And he and girflfriend Lauren Silverman have welcomed a bouncing boy... called Eric.

The name was chosen after Cowell's late father. Aaah.

Though there have been some mutters - it's not a name for a baby, how could they do that, what where they thinking? Hahahahahahah Eric! And not least the idea that the lad will be Eric Owl for ever. What a hoot!

I've got a soft spot for Erics everywhere. A few years (OK a decade and a half) I wanted to name my son Eric after my grandfather.

Grandfather Eric was a fine chap - a mountaineer and adventurer. He led we grandchildren on expeditions, meticulously planned and executed. Variously we visited remote islands, climbed mountains on signficant dates and followed in the footsteps of forebears.

If my boy was looking for inspiration then he could do worse than looking to his great grandfather.

Only in the end, he ended up with an Eric middle name, but still. We were ahead of the curve.

Eric is an excellent name for a baby

And the boy with Eric in his name

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