Dear Ethan,
You're 3 weeks old tomorrow, already! It seems like just yesterday to me that you were inside of my belly with your very little (and very adorable) two feet wedged high up in my ribs. I can remember the shape you were.. feet on my right hand side, bum on the left and head down. You were like that for weeks towards the end.. I think you ran out of room to move. My belly was so big towards the end.. and I now know why - at 9lbs and 9oz you were huge! I'm still trying to work out how you got that big!
Mummy's feeling so much better now, which is fantastic! Not being able to even walk to the toilet was really hard, it was so hard sitting back and watching Daddy do mostly everything for you whilst I recovered. But you gave me strength my baby and now I'm almost back to my full strength so we're making up for lost time.
So after very nearly 3 weeks Daddy and I feel that you've changed a lot already both in appearance and in personality. Daddy and I agree that you look like both of us, you have Mummys button nose and my blue eyes {we're waiting to see if they'll change color or not}, you have Daddys hair color and chin. We think you may go blonde like Daddy was when he was a baby, because the ends of your hair are getting blonder everyday and your eyebrows are almost invisible they are such a light blonde.
Personality wise you are really starting to enjoy being cuddled lately, where as when you were first born you literally just slept and fed with a few poops in between. I love it when you're awake because you have the most beautiful eyes. You are one super hungry little man, you love your "bots" {bottles} and get very frustrated if you don't get your bot the very second you want one. You take after your Mum and Dad with the amount of food you want, I now know why I ate so much during pregnancy! You love the bath but you're not fond of having a 'top and tail' wash. You hate being cold/naked and so aren't the biggest fan of nappy changes.
The cats have taken to you very well. Sooty was the least fond of you but she has come around now. You have had cuddles from Charlie already and last night you accidentally hit Shadow in the face whilst waiting for your bot {you like to flap your arms about in a temper whilst your milk is heating}.
Today is Daddys first day back at work, he took 3 weeks off and it flew past {It feels like days are merging into one big day}.. Last night was daunting for Mummy but actually we've been fine, although I'm sure you know something is different because you have decided that unlike every other day so far you are not going to go to sleep during the day. {So this blog post is taking Mummy forever to write.}
Ethan, Mummy and Daddys lives have changed so much in the past three weeks and though we're both very tired - having you in our lives is just completely magical. The love we have for you is unconditional and forever.
We love you so much baby.
You can see more pictures of Baby Ethan by following me on Instagram :)
Don't forget to enter my first ever giveaway here - but be quick the giveaway closes tomorrow!
On Instagram : alexgladwin