Everyday 3000 Children Try This for the First Time

Posted on the 18 September 2012 by Umkhaloodie


Three nights ago, I was at Starbucks, beside me there were four boys. Boys, not men. Three out of four were smoking. These boys just passed by hips. They were 8/9/10 , 10 tops and all smoking. People passed them by saying nothing. Fathers walked by and did nothing. Mothers walked by and looked away. Isn’t it time we stood up and said something to these ‘kids’? Where are there parents?
It isn’t just in coffee shops I see the ‘smoking kids’, I see them standing outside Baqalas, hanging around jamiya’s, and well, the odd few I see driving cars. (that’s another post altogether).
It’s time to stop this child abuse. That’s what it is. Child Abuse.
In the UK if you get caught selling cigarettes to a minor you get prosecuted. It’s about time Kuwait started implementing these laws.