Everyone Wants Something

Posted on the 22 December 2011 by Singleblogger @RachelPRicucci

 Photo Credit: claritaHello,
With the spirit of Christmas in mind, we have to ask ourselves what we really want out of life...? People tend to gravitate toward the material things this time of year. But, we all know the spirit of Christmas is much more. It is giving, being grateful to our fellow man, caring, sharing, smiling and making the most out of the season (whether it be bringing food to someone, volunteering, or lending a helping hand in some other creative way).
When it comes to singles, though, what the heck is everyone looking for? It seems everyone is wanting something or seeking something that they cannot seem to find, as simple as it might sound...
I really have a field day some days, just browsing the personal ads for fun and leisure (kind of like a form of reading, but nothing serious...maybe just for a few laughs or to see what the status of people's minds is)...
For instance, it seems everyone wants someone who is caring and honest...well, of course...Do they really know what honesty is? Can they see and recognize it if it's in right front of them?...Maybe we can delve into that slippery slope another time...
There also seems to be a pattern that everyone wants to find something "real". Real as opposed to fake? What world are we living in here? I am also so blown away that I have to constantly compete with spam and prove that I'm a real person, when it comes to online dating. Wow...is this what it has come down to? I have to prove I am real. How's that's for starters?
I always see ads for someone wanting to find someone to "do things with." Some of these things just seem so boring and everyday, but it's common themes that people are seeking and cannot seem to find. We've all read ads that say must like "walks on the beach, moonlit dinners, cuddling on the couch, holding hands," etc.)...Talk about typical, but this stuff still exists out there and in people's minds!
My question - why is it so hard to find the simple things with someone? (e.g., a "connection"). What is a connection? What is chemistry? I think chemistry is a word that is so overused. I think people's values have to be aligned body, mind and spirit to get that connection feeling. But, things aren't that simple. And, if you're single, you probably are well aware of that and have been there and done that, yup! I hear 'ya, too.
I can go on and on about the quirks of single people these days, but I won't. I'm sure many of you have experienced all of it, more than your share...maybe I can sum it up in one small illustration...
Have you ever met anyone (man or woman) on a train, at the grocery store, at the car dealership that you had a brief chat with (maybe five or ten minutes)? Well...in that very short time frame, have you walked away from the stranger thinking, wow...I didn't know that person from Adam, but they had something profound to say, something that I needed to hear at that particular moment in time...I didn't know them from atom...and we connected on a level that I don't even get to with my siblings, parents, friends or coworkers. It might take seven years or even a lifetime to get to the level that we got to in five minutes of small talk! Well, that is my version of "chemistry."
You need to find someone that will do more than just "scratch the surface of you" - someone who will dig deeper and deeper, ask the right questions, but not be too pushy or nosey. Can this be done? That is the question of the day...
I'm still waiting...sigh...
Well, not to change the subject, but for all of you looking to cook or bake something for the upcoming holidays, I have an article to get you started on that sometimes rough task! It is not easy to choose recipes for events and parties as there are so many delicious choices out there to pick from...maybe this article can help. It is my gift to you this holiday season, plus, I hope you have taken away a thing or two about what singles want and cannot find. Maybe we'll all find out the truth or "real" answers one day. It's my hope that you do!
Here is the article if you happen to be frantic about what to make...
"How to Choose a Recipe for an Event Come Holiday Season"
Happy Holidays to You All!
Rachel & Pretty