Last week I was getting a little stir crazy and Reggie and I decided to get away for the weekend. On Saturday morning we packed up the truck and the boat with the baby and the dog and we headed north to Reggie's family cottage. The weather was supposed to cool and rainy but we figured we would make the best of it! And it turned out not so bad, not as much rain as expected and it was so nice to have a change of scenery for a couple days. Grandma even stopped in with Great-Grandpa for a visit, which was super sweet!
It's not so squishy out of the bucket! :)
Wendel got to try out his lifejacket for the first time, the one and only purchase I made before he was born, can you tell what is a priority in our lives?
I hope you are well, and although I think I will be posting less frequently for a while, I still plan on checking throughout the week and keeping up with the series posts - there is another Penny Pinching post for tomorrow as long as I can get it finished in time! :)