Diaries Magazine

Expensive School Purchase

Posted on the 08 December 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

I just spent a lot of money on school uniforms. Over $300 but have only put a deposit of $20 down. It adds up and gets expensive getting uniforms for kids, and is even harder to organize when the school wants it all paid with cash/cheque. Why oh why can’t they take PayPal or a credit card? It would have made life so much easier, and I would have had the uniforms all sorted and in my hot little hands.

I also learnt that today was the last day of the school uniform shop, so that is interesting. There was no mention of this in my info kit from the school! Just lucky I ended up there today to sort it. We get paid later in the week so next week will pick up the pack from school. Was very lucky to have made it in time to organize the uniform for next year. Who knew they were not going till the last week of school?

Although I have spent over $300 I still have not completed the uniforms for the twins. I still need school shoes, socks, t-shirts, track pants and so on. Some things we are able to get at Kmart, BigW or Target so will look there. I am going to get their shoes for school next year to make sure they don’t have a massive growth spurt between now and before school starts.

I think we will be fine as the kids are small, even though they are tiny they have shot up a little height wise but still skinny minnies around the waist. Nothing fits and we have to get smaller sizes to make sure they don’t fall off little waists. Not a massive issue, just need to make sure it is the right size for my little girls.

It felt weird getting school uniforms for my little ones. I know they are big girls now and are 5, but it still feels like yesterday that I had them. They are so excited to be off to Kindy next year and cannot wait. I am eagerly awaiting a letter that will tell us when to go to the school next year for testing. They test all kids to see where they are at for literacy and numeracy. Nothing major, just to see if someone needs extra help with things and so they can plan.

Glad that most of the purchases for at least the summer uniform have been completed. One thing that hubby and I thought funny was that the school has pages devoted to what to do if it snows. As an ex Queenslander this was never in the school policy and of course being in the Blue Mountains this is something you need to be aware of.  As a parent it is odd to have a snow policy when you are not used to it. I wonder if we will need to use it when the kids are at school?

Have you forked out a fortune on school uniforms? Are you annoyed that you cannot use a credit card for the purchases? Send in your comments.

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