Self Expression Magazine

Fa La La Long Island Fundraiser

Posted on the 04 December 2012 by Mommymasala @Zaharas_mommy

The holiday season is officially upon us, and from the North Pole to Nassau county, the celebrations are clearly underway. If you really want to get in the spirit, why not spend some of your time and money to benefit a great cause while crossing some items off your to-buy list?

The Holiday Expo at Stuart Thomas Manor on December 6th is a fun way to get on Santa’s nice list while you shop! This event is brought to you by Nassau Networking Moms and is sure to please even the most discerning shopper since it’s chock full of goodies like complimentary beauty tips and styling, door prizes and raffles, and even a fashion show.

The Nassau Networking Moms group is made up of local moms who take on the daily balancing act of family and business, so when it comes to planning events, they really know their stuff. There’s even going to be Zumba throughout the night!

Not only are they amazing do-it-all and do-it-well women, with this event, they are also fundraising to help a fellow Long Islander in need. The expo helps raise funds for the family of Crissy Fox, an inspirational woman and mother who is continuing to fight a long battle with cancer. As if that wasn’t enough, the Fox family was devastated by the recent destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy. The money you spend at the event will help this family through the kind of difficult times when the support of one’s community can truly make things better. Come on Long Island! Let’s do this!

The vendors and sponsors include everything from apparel to beauty supplies to jewelry and more. The list goes on and on and has both big names and local favorites! You can check out the flyer below for more detailed info on the who’s who of the businesses that will be represented.

Trust me, you’ll find plenty of gift-worthy stuff, plus the admission is FREE. You can choose to register on the Eventbrite page for the free ticket OR pay just $10.00 (plus a $1.24 fee) and score a VIP SWAG BAG worth more than $85.00! That’s a little gift to yourself. ;-)

So before the holiday shopping frenzy becomes all-consuming, take a night off to laugh and feel good about the holidays again. Get over to the Holiday Expo on Thursday, December 6th from 6 to 10pm and have a fa la la good time!

Fa la la Long Island fundraiser

Everything you need for the holidays, all in one place. Why shop anywhere else?

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