Creativity Magazine

Fabric and Foam Stamps

Posted on the 24 June 2024 by Realityarts @realityarts

Come and join me in Material Musings today. I have been playing around in my fabric art journals and experimenting with my foam stamps. I had created a set of foam stamps from the last 100-day project, and really liked how some of them came out.

Fabric and Foam Stamps

Here is a selection of them. I have been working on using them on fabric and incorporating slow stitching which I will be doing in this current fabric art journal that you will see in the video.

I really like some of the foam stamps I created and will be sharing more of them. The foam stamps digital images are going to be available as digital stamps that you can incorporate in digital art work on my Etsy Store Here.

Fabric and Foam Stamps Fabric and Foam Stamps Fabric and Foam Stamps

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