…Face the Facts

Posted on the 25 January 2016 by Zer @the2women

If you base your self-esteem on your number of Facebook friends, I have some bad (but not surprising) news.

According to a new study, most of your “friends” don’t care.The study found that on average, you can count on 15 of your Facebook friends for emotional support, and of those, only five are considered “close” friends…although, you might want to consider including those 10 who care enough to listen to your problems…which you probably shouldn’t be sharing on Facebook anyways.

If that sad stat has you thinking about signing off of the social networks for good, well then consider the positives of Facebook first.

While it might not be good for maintaining close, personal relationships, it is a good tool for keeping in touch with people. Okay, that’s all I’ve got. In fact, it’s been somewhat scientifically proven that Facebook alone is not enough to keep a friendship alive.

Now that you’re thoroughly depressed, just keep in mind that these are averages, and that those “5 to 15” reliable friends are probably the only ones you care about too.

Also, on the bright-side, Monday is more than halfway over.

More on the Story: Christian Science Monitor

…just for fun: