Facebook for Personal Branding

Posted on the 14 July 2015 by Lildevilmama @lildevilmama

When you're working on developing your personal brand, Facebook can be a great place to start! Although, Facebook discourages brands and businesses from selling directly on your personal Facebook profile, there are ways to engage your friends, colleagues and neighbors to extend your network and increase your brand awareness.

In these trainings, we cover many topics including how to personally brand your Facebook profile with your business logo and information, as well as the tools available to entrepreneurs for engaging your friends to help jump start your businesses presence on-line.

Join expert social media trainer Deanna Miller, Co-Founder of Stark Social Media Agency and Mike Bjorkman, Owner and Broker of HomeSmartNCG for this free social marketing training!

Webinar Conducted By

  • Deanna L. Miller
    Partner & Marketing Director
  • Mike Bjorkman
    Owner Homesmart Santa Clarita / Northridge