Self Expression Magazine

Facebook Poems

Posted on the 22 February 2014 by Berniegourley @berniegourley


How thrilling to learn
without delay
that now was to be
your laundry day.

Oh, how I waited
with bated breath
to hear if you’d hit
wash-day sudden death

Your posts banal?
Who would think?
You took us to
the wash-day brink…

never knowing if there’d be a Boxer Rebellion or a Brazilian Thong Crisis!


“It’s Complicated”
are two words
often posted
but never heard
amid the complication.

1 + 1, easy as pie.
Calculus is “complicated.”
Are you in wedlock?
Or have you dated?
Is she human…oid?

It begs the question,
can a complication read
the words typed on
your daily feed,
and solve for x?

By in funny, humor, poem, Poetry, Social Media on February 22, 2014.

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