Faithful Fridays: God Gave Me You

Posted on the 15 June 2012 by Msadams @HilaryFerrell

Bible Quote About Marriage 650x451 Faithful Fridays: God Gave Me You

Finding inspiration to write a post about my faith every Friday has generally come pretty easily.  Every week, I seem to have some glaring faith driven message thrown in front of my face.

This week, however, I was struggling with what to say and what to talk about.

As I was riding home on the Metro Wednesday night, I decided to do something I rarely do, listen to music on my iPhone (headphones bother me so I tend not to listen to music during our commute home).

I put my music on shuffle and starting going through my to do list in my head.  Then I realized that Friday was coming up and I didn’t have a topic formulated for my Faithful Friday posts.

Usually, I feel God’s presence pulling me in a particular direction and I felt like I haven’t felt Him yet this week.  I silently prayed to God that He would show me what to write.

Almost immediately, my iPhone, which had been on a random shuffle, started to play Dave Barnes’ “God Gave Me You.”  For those of you familiar with our wedding, you know that this song was our first dance.

I was instantly transported back to that moment where Mr. A and I danced and sang to one another without even noticing the 100 other pairs of eyes staring at us.  I remember being so happy that I simply couldn’t stop smiling.  I remember hearing certain parts of the song and feeling slow, gentle tears gliding down my face as I realized that I knew the kind of love that Dave was talking about.

It’s the kind of love that can only be inspired and created by God.  A love between two people who are so perfectly paired that they had to be formed for one another by someone bigger than themselves.  In that moment, I recognized that we had just truly become one soul.  Our love had transported us out of that room and into another dimension that only we knew.

This is exactly how marriage is described in the Bible.  Two people becoming one flesh, filling in one another’s weaknesses and forming an inseparable bond.

But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female.  For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.  So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate. (Mark 10)

This same sentiment is reflected so clearly in Dave’s song as well:

On my own I’m only
Half of what I could be
I can’t do without you.
We are stitched together
And what love has tethered
I pray we never undo.

That song was a sweet reminder from God to never forget that He interplays in all aspects of my life.

It was by the grace of God that I was led to Mr. A.

It’s through His grace, our prayers, and His guidance that we will continue to stay tethered together as one flesh.

When I feel upset or frustrated or lost in our marriage, I look to that moment on the dance floor singing our song as the moment when we clearly became one.   Because when I sang “God Gave Me You” with tears strolling down my face, I really meant it.

God graced me with my amazing husband, who makes me complete in every way.

May I never take that grace for granted.