The second reason it bugs me is because people that actually have A.D.D get treated like they are pill poppers. Seriously, it's outsiders saying everyone has A.D.D. but only he takes pills for it. That's absolutely annoying to me, because Jared, my husband has A.D.D and so does my little brother, Christiaan. Both of them suffer horrible consequences from the disorder. Including not being able to focus, no matter how quiet it is or how many devices are turned off. It's an incredible struggle for them and when they "pop a pill" it's not to get high, it's to focus. It's to help with being easily distracted, disorganization, procrastination, and forgetfulness
It's to up their focus to the normal level as the rest of ours is. Jared told me the other day that he thinks if he would have been on A.D.D. medication he would have actually enjoyed school a lot. Jared is an educated man. He loves self-educating and when he's interested in topics he will learn absolutely everything about them. He told me that he thinks he would have gone to college and enjoyed it, if he had the proper medication earlier in his life. The other part to A.D.D that not a lot of people know about is hyper-focusing. It's getting incredibly consumed in something. Almost like OCD where you cannot let it go. If you think your clothes should be laid flat until you have them up and someone (aka your wife/me) balls them up and brings them upstairs it seriously throws you off. This is a side effect of A.D.D.
I know this post seems like a rant, and it is. I am offended when everyone I meet claims they have A.D.D even if they've never been to the doctor. They use it as a crutch for bad behavior and bad social skills, when those that have A.D.D just get a bad reputation.
So.. Do you know someone with A.D.D? Do you think I am overreacting?