Familiar Strangers

Posted on the 02 June 2012 by Nelton @neltondsouza

In life we have many relationships, some of which we make and some which are already made. Though I cannot comment on which one is more deeper or greater, in many ways than one our relationships define us. It helps us in times of need, when we are lonely and even when we are happy and want to share our happiness. But there is one kind of a relationship that neither we make nor made.
Everyday as I make my way to my bus stop, that’s a good 20 minute long walk I pass by some people along the way whom I have been seeing for the last 2 years. We neither greet each other nor we smile at each other. I don’t know their names, where they live or what they do and vice versa. But yet there’s a strange bond, a strange feeling when I see them and a strange missing feeling when I don’t. It’s not that they stand out from the crowd but yes they are distinctly different if seen closely.
The first familiar stranger (that’s how I like to address them) is a young couple. My guess is they must be around college-going age going by their dressing sense and looks. As I approach them I overhear conversations on the IPL, latest movies and exams. I don’t know if something’s going on between them but yes they look good together and seem to enjoy each other's company. Always wearing a smile they make their journey and day memorable. I guess the long journeys of life become shorter and special when you have company. Otherwise even a short journey seems never ending.
The 2nd familiar stranger is a young boy with a tennis racquet around his back riding his bicycle. When I look at him I wish I had such a childhood. In my days there was only running around without any reason, an occasional game of cricket where the only shot that existed was a straight drive as any other shot would lead to hitting something and getting dismissed. Plus his lazy way of riding his cycle makes me wish that I could slow down life, stop the frantic need to excel everywhere, dig deep into issues and think of alternatives and enjoy what I do. Guess all that has got lost somewhere down the line.
The next familiar stranger that I meet is a lady on her way to office. Dressed at times in formals and at times in a kurti she walks slowly lost in thought. Although she always walks with her head down and eyes fixed at the path, she seems lost and disinterested in the world around. In all these 2 years I have never seen her smile or give someone or something a second glance. I wonder what makes her the way she is. Is it just her nature or life's problems in general? As they say life is very unfair, the only thing that’s fair is that it’s unfair to everyone. Life doesn’t hand you problems depending on your capabilities. It just doles them out going by a complicated logic known only to itself. Add to it the number and degree varies always. At times we humans are able to knock it down soon but most of us land up grappling as if drowning.
As I reach my stop thinking of my familiar strangers and how their presence has made me realize so much about life ad its importance and also made the distance to my stop seem less than it actually is I see another familiar object making its way towards me at ramming speed which I unfortunately cannot miss even by choice - my bus.