Family outing will always be a fun bonding activity with our love ones. I really enjoyed our 3 day staycation at Estancia. Not every day we have chance to be with them because of work and other stuff. My extended family lives in Cavite while me, my mom and my sister lives in Manila, so this is a perfect time to bond with them. I grew up in Cavite with my grandparents, that’s why I am their favorite grandchild. Joke. Hahaha (assuming?) Anyways, we had a great time spending time with each other. We should not neglect our families. We should spend time with them every chance we have. Friends come and go but our family will always be there no matter what.

Me and my sister doing the selfies shot in the mirror. haha

The sky shining on us. This is the time we arrived at Our Lady of Monte Maria, Alfonso, Cavite.

This is it. Instead of having Visita Iglesia, we just visited one (1) Church and it is here at
Our Lady Monte Maria.

Many people visited the Church too.
The path to the station of the cross. The hard way. haha
Look at life size Station of the Cross
Another Station. The Crucifixion.
Just took a photo of a random tree. It looks like the
Hundred Acre Wood. haha
My grandparents with my adorable cousin slash goddaughter.
At Balinsasayaw Restaurant.
With my cutie patottie cousin @ Balinsasayaw
Free breakfast from the hotel. It's a buffet. I am just on a diet kuno. hehehe
Call it Spring Shoes of my sister.
Reading a book with a class. Want to try?
I will post a separate blog post for my review for Estancia Hotel in Tagaytay. I hope you enjoyed reading my post. Have you had you summer outing with your family? Where? Share your stories. =)
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Posted in: adventure,family,philippines,photography,random