Family Rules

Posted on the 27 January 2012 by Tracyrosen @tracyrosen

Lately I find that people are sharing like mad, sharing inspirational images and quotations, that is, on Facebook. I saw this one this morning and I love it. Love, love, love it. This one will be enlarged and hung in our kitchen, which is (or will be…given the state of renovations at the moment…) the heart of the home. (Actually, it still is the heart of the home since it is just about the only room that is usable (despite the plastic wall that hangs over half of it), other than my and Jack’s bedrooms – and mine is serving double duty as my office.)

Why do I like these so much as rules? They are not prohibitive, they are generative. They foster growth and not limits. I firmly believe that we can manage families (and classrooms, for that matter) through rules like these. We don’t need to tell people what not to do, to limit their reach.

What do you think?