Family Vacay...

Posted on the 17 July 2012 by Felicakes @felicakes
I need a break

We sat down for our usual family dinner one cold Friday night and we started chatting about family vacations. Where we have been, where we want to go and where we would never go. For me it was Nepal, Paris and Bangladesh. It was so interesting to see what everyone came up with. We were talking, eating and drinking and sounded really excited. We were even talking about how we enjoyed our last family trip to Nepal for M and my wedding. We really had a great time in Nepal. 

I then said, why don't we plan something for next year where we can all go on a family vacation. That started a whole debate on where is a good place for a family with a young child could go. Someone suggested going on holidays to Phuket, another one to Disneyland in Hong Kong (ok that might have been me) and someone else Korea. There were so many choices and places to go and if cost was not an issue, I would go to all these places. 

I remember as a young kid, my family went on family holidays as often as we could. We never went overseas together but we would go to another state or another city or to a near by holiday town. It was always fun. Dad would take a million photos of us doing things and trying different delicacies. YUM!

Now as a mother myself, I can imagine the stress my mom must have gone through getting 3 kids into the car or plane because even though we are still at that planning stage, I am already starting to stress a little bit about the Lil' Tiger. How will she cope flying that far? Will she be entertained or even remotely interested at the things that we would do? 

So the purpose of my post today is to get ideas really. Ideas of fun family vacation keeping in mind that we have a 3 year old in tow. Tips on how to travel with a young child and what to pack or bring with me. Where have you been? What have you done? Is the TravelSmart Australia website a good place to check to see if our destination is a safe one? 

Please share your thoughts. :)