YAY! That is how happy I am to be posting this right now. A long time ago there were 2 girls in high school one was Miki and the other Kyra. Kyra and I didn’t know each other too well in high school, but luckily our little brothers are the same age and were besties (yeah boys can have besties too). A while ago I was pathetically cropping a ton of photos to try and make blog buttons, twitter pics, and profile pictures for my blog. The pathetic that is like I am cutting out Jared’s head, and you can still kind of see him.. Well, Kyra noticed my pathetic attempt and decided she would change my life. She offered her incredible talent as a photographer at KC Photography. So we met up last Wednesday and did a fun little shoot. Which ended in me locking my keys in my car (along with my cell phone, iPad, laptop..), and having to make Kyra drive me back home to use Jared’s cell phone to call Triple A. That’s right. A classic Miki move.
Anyway I must be cursed, because anytime I am having photos done it rains. Our engagements, our wedding photos, these photos. Somehow if you have a photographer with an awesome eye, they can make anything look good. One reason I loved shooting with Kyra is because she really is just easy going, and not shy. Which is good, because I hate it when someone is too shy to tell you your bang are messed up, your zipper is undone, your hands look weird in certain positions and so on. You know what I am talking about, so then you get your photos back and are like what the heck why can you see my undies in that shot?
I know we did a friendly poll voting for my outfit, which ended in me grabbing every article of clothing I actually love and bringing it all! Which I decided is a good idea, because then you know you’ll love your outfit if it is just a combination of everything you love.
The moment you’ve all been waiting for!! Here are some of my favorites from the photo shoot.
What do you think?? Are you swooning?yeah me too… Is it weird to look at yourself for too long?