Farting and Dating!

Posted on the 17 April 2013 by Killmenow @lbigfoot

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Is farting and dating a taboo issue? Can it be discussed or is it disgusting? I have recently been exposed to some posts about this so I guess it is OK to proceed.

A fart is basically an emission of gas from your anus or as someone else explains it, an explosion between your legs. Whether it has an odor or not often depends on what you ate. I remember seeing westerns in which they feasted on baked beans and then let off a few. My own beloved sister has what we love to call “silent killers” because hers are silent but when you get the whiff you just want to die.

farting and datingWhat has that got to do with dating? Farting is a perfectly natural emission but one with stigmas that do not allow you to do it in public. Frankly a lot of people frown on it even if you do it while sitting on the toilet. What happens when you fart in front of your date? What will he / she think of you? They will probably say can you not hold it in? Can you not excuse yourself and go to the restroom? If this is a first date, will there be a second? Farting and dating is an interesting issue.

The truth of it is that in most cases you can hold it in, while you are awake! When you are asleep, you do not consciously have that control. My late father often used to fart in his sleep, or was it the family dog or both of them in some kind of chorus?

One website had this to say:

How long does it take new beaus to feel comfortable enough around each other to break the Fart Barrier and let one fly in the presence of the other?

The lady in question felt that a man letting one rip within reach of her nose was nasty and very disrespectful. She believe that a man who farts around her is expressing that he has little to no regard for her and the budding relationship. She thought it completely ungentlemanly and inhumane that a man would fart in her presence. She believes her man should get up and run to the bathroom or some other location in the house to cut one every time his stomach felt a little bubbly.”

When does politeness end? Here is a cute video about farting when no one is looking.

A website I write for has this to say: its-not-ok-to-fart-in-front-of-your-lover

Although this is a primarily male stigma, it is not solely related to males. The series MythBusters even proved that pretty women fart as well.

So what do you say?