Diaries Magazine

Father & Daughter

Posted on the 30 May 2012 by Lazidaisical @Lazidaisical
They sleep in late and heat up leftover spaghetti and meatballs for breakfast, her favorite. In their pajamas, they head out to buy stuff like fertilizer, windshield wiper fluid, and choo choo trains. After doing yard work and car maintenance, they spend the rest of the afternoon shirtless in front of the television, watching basketball games and The Little Mermaid. At bedtime, they cuddle and laugh together at the conversations between her princess doll, Mr. Dino, and Saurus. When she crawls into our bed at 3 am, he takes her little hand and lulls her back to sleep with his snores.
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This was written for Lance's 100 Word Song challenge. This week's song was Ok Go's "This Too Will Pass." I was inspired by the car and dominos at the start of the video; those are two of my two-year-old's favorite toys right now. And the title of the song seems to refer to the fact that our daughter is going to grow up and she and my husband eventually won't have these kinds of moments together anymore :(

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