Diaries Magazine

Father's Day Mania

Posted on the 16 June 2013 by Sheynbent @sheynbent
Father's Day ManiaI'm not fond of imitating celebrations like what the world is celebrating today, but my wall is so full of people expressing how great their father is, that I cannot just ignore my own & can't help to tell the world that 'hey I do have a dad like yours too!' 
Whenever I am asked if you are my father, I was kinda afraid to admit it. Afraid, not in a sense that I'm ashamed of who you are, but because I might just disappoint them for being not too fit or perfect to be called your daughter being one of those people who were looked upon in the community. 
You may never be perfect (as no single individual in this world could ever be) but you never failed to stand as a father to us. And that makes me proud and glad that you're my father. =)HAPPY FATHERS' DAY TO ALL THE DADS IN THE WORLD!

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