This past weekend was Ryan's first Father's Day! We had a lot of fun doing all sorts of things as a family.

Friday night we found a food truck bazaar and spent the evening listening to live music and trying different foods with my parents and sister.
On Saturday, Rilynn got invited to her first birthday party, so we got to spend the afternoon with friends at a local splash pad and pool. That night we went to church and FINALLY checked Rilynn into the nursery for the first time. It has given me so much anxiety, but I knew she needed to be in the nursery with the other babies. She loves whenever she has play dates and we are definitely ready to be out of the cry room and into the sanctuary. There were only two other babies in her room, so it made dropping her off a little easier on us because I knew she would have plenty of attention.

Sunday started out as a lazy morning with these two enjoying a few episodes of Doc McStuffins. We gave Ryan his cards and ate breakfast together.

My good friend Sarah created a few fun cards for me to use this year and Ryan laughed at the one Rilynn chose for him. You should check out her cute card shop!
After Rilynn took a short cat nap, we met up with my family and some friends for a BBQ lunch. This was obviously what the men wanted to eat on their big day, but you won't hear me complaining about their food choice.
It was about 150 degrees outside and so bright that we couldn't get one picture of Ryan not squinting and Rilynn looking at the camera...

We grilled out and had Ryan open his presents later in the day. Ryan loves finding new and different beers to try and he always enjoys bringing them to friends' houses to share. I found this awesome, vintage looking beer carrier and I knew he'd like it.

{beer carrier}
It's so cool because it has a beer bottle opener attached to the side - Ryan says he plans to even carry it around the house when we have guests over and offer them a beer...conveniently allowing them to open it right then and there as well. We also made Ryan's day by getting him tickets to a New York Giants game this year. We have never been to a game together, but I knew Ryan had so much fun the last time he went and always said he couldn't wait to go again.
So what did you guys do with your special husbands and fathers this weekend?