Favorite Quotes

Posted on the 04 May 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
If you know me at all I LOVE quotes. I have them everywhere. It's great to look up and see a quote and be motivated or inspired. I'm talking with the hubs right now and we are having trouble because I quote a lot of thing. I could go on forever!! 
Fooorrrrreeeevvvveeerrr. (That's me being the kid from the Sandlot.)

Although I love you Venus, I quote Sandra Bullock from The Blind Side: I will cheer for you if you want to go to Tennessee but I will not wear that orange. It is not in my color pallet. 

Hubs: "You're Right!" (Seriously, after 2 years of marriage he hasn't figured out I'm always right. haha)

Me: How'd those words taste coming out of your mouth?
Hubs: Like vinegar! 
(Again from The Blind Side) with interpretation

Karma. What goes around comes around. (In sales you'll learn quickly to do things the right way. So many people out there being shady!)

You're my Bottom Bi**h! From South Park. It's hilarious! 

I also pulled some from my pinterest page. 

I love this because at work I want to be a leader because I know so much about the industry and sales. I honestly don't think some of the people at work give me a enough credit at work. I try to be a leader and show my leadership by example. I know that I don't talk about my work life so much on this blog. I try to keep it separated, but slowly integrating the 2 together.  

Favorite Quotes This next quote is one that I have to be constantly reminded of by my husband. I am the first to admit that I am a people pleaser. Sometimes I continue to apologize or try to make it work even if they are negative or mean. I have learned that sometimes you gotta kick people out of your lives.  Favorite Quotes
This next one is an obvious one. This is the first bible verse that I ever memorized. It's one of my favorites!

I love this quote because I work in a mostly male dominated world!  Gotta have this quote as well! That's all I have for right now! I hope some of these quotes have inspired you!
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