Sugar coated LIES
We have all done this right?
You know added a little sugar to a total lie to lessen the blow of hurting someone's feeling.
Me? Guilty. On more than one occasion.
Here are the charges that one might hold against me if it truly was a punishable crime.
Telling a victim that the dress or outfit looks good.....on them. Translation - that dress is awful, but because you are a nice person I'm judging the attire on your personality alone.
Go ahead and eat another piece of that cake it won’t hurt you. Translation - you really should cut back on the extras but I don't have the guts to tell you so instead I continue to enable you to overindulge.
It’s okay, when your child wipes his hands all over the furniture and walls, I remember those days. Translation - get control of your child! Yes, I remember those days and I don't want to relive them again. I'm still having nightmares!
Your pet is okay. I have one at home. Translation - control your pet. I am not a scratching toy for your cat or a bib for a drooling dog.
I'll pay. You get the next one. Translation - how do you invite me out to lunch and not have any money to even pay for your own meal? Never again!
This is good, who made it? Translation - I gotta make a mental note of who made this yuck item. Won’t get me twice!
Okay. Okay. I better stop before all the secrets are out, but now it is your turn.
So have you ever told a sugar coated lie? Go ahead and tell me in the comments. Don’t leave out any details. I'm listening.
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If you want to find out more about Latorsha, check out some of her stories, and/or drop a comment on her blog, click her pic and hop on over! Latorsha can also be found on Twitter @AnOptimisticMom and on Pinterest ;)
On a personal note, Thank you Latorsha for agreeing to be my very first Featured Guest! I'd also like to thank you for being a loyal reader to all my blogs; dealing with my back and forth craziness; and most of all ... for your friendship. I'm thankful to have met you and look forward to getting to know you more!